Summertime Blisters!

Blisters can happen to anyone! They can be caused by a new pair of shoes, excessive walking, or athletic activities when friction and moisture lead to excessive rubbing against the skin.  The shearing of the outer layer of the skin fills with fluid and a blister results.

If your podiatrist isn’t immediately available, you can treat your blister at home. We suggest using mole skin padding, a bandage, and reducing the activities that may have caused the blister originally. Spenco 2nd skin is an excellent product for treating a blister. For the best healing do not “pop” or break open the blister as this could lead to infection. However, if the blister breaks open on its own, wash the area, dry it with a clean towel, apply triple antibiotic ointment and cover it with a bandage. If you aren’t sure what caused your blister or why they keep returning, we can help with prevention. If the area swells, reddens or continues to be painful, make an appointment with our office to have the doctor take a look. 


Achilles Tendon


To Soak or Not Soak the Feet, that is the Question.